Saturday, July 25, 2009!!

you do, Don't Join!!

Well, at
least not until you have read this review. My heading was
not some ploy to get you to find out what is wrong with Rather, it was meant to get your
attention because there are a few things I want you to know
before you join.

Okay, so
what is

To be
totally honest, I cannot fault it any way whatsoever and if
you continue reading you will soon find out why...

The concept
behind is really very simply. It
was developed by Craig Haywood (or the blue guy) who is also
the owner of highly successful sites like,, and

From the
above sites you can probably deduct that Craig focuses
heavily on Viral Marketing which is good when you consider
what he's done with

A quick
summary of the IPP homepage reveals that IPP is a resell
rights product website which integrates with mlm through
viral marketing, but that doesn't even begin to lift the
layers of nice goodies. In Fact, Jane Mark from describes it better...

know. It's resale rights gone MLM and viral but that doesn't tell half the story. People who
have no idea how to sell resale products
have it made.

You set it for them You give them
autoresponder sales letters and new,
jazzy sales pages to work with. You give
them all the viral tools to sell the
products and they sit back and relax.

They don't have to do a thing. I love

They can even let people know by twitter
that they have a new product for sale
right from the members area by just
popping in their twitter information.

Here is
how it works...

member of IPP get a product store where all products in the
store (supplied by Craig) is linked to your own domain name.
(which you create free when you join)

Every month
Craig ads 3 new products to the store, does the ad copy for
you, integrate an auto responder follow-up series for you
(which he hosts on your behalf). He also ties viral
marketing to every product to ensure your visitors
multiplies your selling efforts as well as social network
marketing through the means of Twitter Tweets. Btw., if you
join IPP Craig also helps you to virally grow your Twitter

Now, this
is where it gets interesting. This is the first and only
program I know of you can make a substantial income from
without even paying a dime (although the pro benefits are
exceptional...more on that later).

As a free
member you will get 50% commission for any product sold from
your store. The member who referred you will also get $2 for
every product you sell, as will the member who referred
them. Going pro makes this even more lucrative.

Every time
you sell a product to someone, they will also get an option
to join IPP (under you), so this makes it easy to get in
more people underneath you, however, Craig has gone the full
9 yards to ensure getting signups is as easy as possible, by
also providing you with a tracker that virally promotes
itself (in other words, affiliate links you advertise) as
well as your IPP products at the same time.

At the same
time, you will also have access to all the information of
people who buy from your store, which means you can import
leads into your auto responder of known buyers.


I am not
going to tell you the price to be a pro member as this
violates Craig's terms of service. What I can tell you is
that is that it is so low I thought it was a joke, but on a
more serious note, it gives you the opportunity to rake in a
small fortune every month.

As a pro
member you will also earn 100% on all products in your store
paid directly to your PayPal account. If you don't have
PayPal, Craig also provides you with another option that is
globally accepted.

which made me realise Craig thought of everything is the pro
member affiliate benefit. Since you get 100% profit on
products in your store, it is only fitting that you should
be able to get affiliates to promote your products for you.

As a pro
member, each product in your store is set up with your own
affiliate program which pays out 50% to your affiliates and
50% to you. All of this is handled without you having to do
anything. The system even recruits affiliates for you.


The system is a rare gem. It is a full stay
at home program where no skills are required from you.
Everything, and I mean everything is done on your behalf.

I know you
have probably heard the term: "You've
never seen anything like this.
" a thousand times
before, but this time it is true.

This is one
program I am giving a rating of 12 out of 10.

Hint: When
you log in for the first time, you will be presented with a
one time offer to go pro. While you can still upgrade later
at a price which is still a joke, I highly recommend you do
it when you are presented with the oto as it is the lowest
you will ever get it at.

Tracy Matthews

Friday, July 24, 2009

MLM Lead System Pro

The way out of MLM Hell is to use attraction marketing. And with the Matthews Millions MLM lead generator system, you will learn all about this vitally important methodology and how to capitalize on every lead you get as you work to build your business. You will learn how to start making excellent money, even five figures per month, within weeks or a few months, not years. This is the Network's Marketing industry's leading fully customizable Attraction Marketing System, and with good reason.

What is MLM Hell? It's where you are spinning your wheels trying to sign up new members to your team by looking for leads in all the wrong places. When you are doing this, you are throwing money out the window. In fact, you are probably losing money--like 97% of all other MLM marketers.

Tracy Matthews was just like you for six years. For six years, Matthews was miserable as a network marketer. There's no fun handing out business cards, trying to chat up strangers who really don't want to hear what you have to say, and putting off your family with your sales pitches--and you're not making any money the whole time. But then Tracy found something that changed everything.

What will the attraction marketing of the Matthews Millions MLM lead generator system show you?

*How to get a one-of-a-kind, dynamic website. If you don't have this as a network marketer, you don't have anything. It's that simple.
*How to create a leads list. And, no, this will not be your family, your inner circle of friends, your 100 to 200 acquaintances, or the people you run into at the local mall. This list will be made up strictly of people who have chosen to ask you to e-mail them your information. If they have chosen to ask you to do this, that means they have some level of interest.
*How to set up an automated training platform for those who join your business. You are not going to have time to personally train every one of your downline members in every single thing. You will be busy marketing...oh, and enjoying your life, the fruits of your marketing neighbors.
*Perhaps most importantly, you will learn how to make money from each and every lead you get. Why is this so important? It's important because 95% of your prospects are not going to join your business. 95% of your prospects are not going to become members of your downline. If you aren't monetizing 95% of the people with whom you make business contact, you are leaving ridiculous amounts of money on the table and wasting a tremendous amount of your time.

Attraction marketing is modern network marketing done the right way. And yes, when you roll the marketing dice, some of the wins will be huge, while most are small, under this system. But with most systems, most of your dice tosses are losers. But every "dime" you win takes you closer to making another "dollar" in total, doesn't it? A million dollars is simply 10 million dimes.

If you're not full leveraging the power of the Internet in today's MLM business world, you are lost. The Matthews Millions attraction marketing program and unique MLM lead generator system shows you how it's done.

Friday, July 10, 2009

LOOK: That Chicken has No Head - Its a Chicken with his Head Cut Off!

When I saw this chicken running around with his head
cut-off, the first thing I thought of was how I use to market
my MLM business (weird, I know, but thats how determined
I was to be a success in this industry...that was ALL I was
focused on...and I felt like I was running around aimlessly
like this chicken for years).

It brought me back a bit and I remembered how I struggled for
quite some time online not understanding why I couldn't add
a single distributor to my downline.

I was doing everything right!

I was promoting this great looking company website they
told me would work.

I was calling my entire rolodex of friends and family like
my upline told me.

I was out doing the in-house meetings, the 1-on-1's,
the belly-to-belly that was going to get me to $20K+
per month in residual income....

Needless to say I was failing miserably and I felt like
this poor chicken did.

And then I found somebody....and this somebody knew
a little bit about making $20K+ per month online with
ANY network marketing business...and he gave me
his entire PROVEN system...for $1.00.

And now I'd like to share it with you for $1.00:

Now I don't feel like a chicken without a head anymore...
And I turned myself into a charging rhino who now knows
how the top earners REALLY build their empires...

Trust me, they don't want you to know this!

A whole new world awaits you,
Tracy Matthews
Skype: tracy.matthews5